Dobrodošli u Drage
Uživajte u čistom moru i osvježite se
Ako bi smo na tren zanemarili gradnju na razvedenoj obali, uobičajeni model suvremenog turizma, i zaustavili pogled na pošljunčanom morskom dnu kristalne bistrine, na mandračima uz koje su privezane stare barke; ako bi smo potom zatvorili oči i poslušali blejanje ovaca ili lavež seoskog psa, a kroz nos udahnuli mirise brnistre u cvatu i eteričnog bilja koje raste posvud, smokava stisnutih uz stare kamene kućerke..., sve bi nalikovalo na spokoj biblijskih vremena.
Ali vremena se mjenjaju i ono, još do jučer, kuštravo i divlje bilje zamjenjuje uredna hortikultura modernih zdanja, pa se i Drage promiču u modernu turističku destinaciju, još uvijek na snažnoj razmeđi vremena od jučer i vremena od sutra.
If for a moment we disregard the construction on the indented coastline, the usual model of contemporary tourism, and let our gaze fall on the pebbly bottom of the crystal clarity, the moorings to which old boats are tied; then if we close our eyes and listen to the bleating of sheep and the barking of the village dog, and through our noses inhale the scents of blossom and herbs that grow everywhere, figs tight with old stone hut ... all remotely like serenity Biblical times.
But times are changing and that, but yesterday, shaggy and wild herbs replaces neat horticulture modern buildings, however, Drago and promote a modern tourist destination, is still on the strong crossroads of time from yesterday and the weather of tomorrow.
Ugodne sobe, vrhunska usluga
Affordable rooms, excellent service
Near Drage there are 3 national parks and nature park that can be visited through organized day trips ships. Sights abound in the surrounding villages and towns (Sibenik, Split, Trogir, Zadar ...). For those who are not too big fans of the sea and marine fish, close to Lake Vrana given the opportunity to enjoy the fresh-water swimming and ribarenju.Pakoštane 5 km, 10 km Biograd, Vodice 20 km, Krka National Park 30 km, 30 km Sibenik, Zadar 40 km, and NP Kornati and Vrana lake are within easy reach mjesta.Drage offers its guests an unforgettable experience of summer with memories of the smell of the sea and the old pine wood.
Veselimo se Vašoj posjeti
Najam soba Mandunj, Barešić Manuel , Hrvatske mornarice 24. 23211 Drage, Hrvatska